

Super Mario Bros Free Printable Boxes.

Nice Super Mario Bros Free Printable Boxes that you just need to personalize, print, cut and fold.

If you want to print them in a poster size, you can use "posteriza" (free download). 

Remember to do a right click before saving, for having the image in its best quality. 

Printable Party Favors Bag.
Printable Party Favors Bag. Add a ribbon and it will look like this:

Open boxes you can use for chocolates, small cakes or candies, for example:

The open boxes will look like this ones:

Cajitas abiertas para dulces y pastelitos

Super Mario Bros Free Printable Boxes.

Cube box.
Cube box. It should look like this:

Caja cubo.

Free Printable Fries Box.
Free Printable Fries Box.

Caja para patatas o papas fritas.


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